Bitcoin High Speed Mining Vendors

Bitcoin High Speed Mining Vendors

Below is a list of some of the mainstream vendors and the equipment they have to offer. We will be building this section out but in the meantime are providing a list along with links to the vendor sites.

KnC MinerWith the increase in difficulty and the need for speed, KnC has stepped up the pace. The Jupiter model is slated to hash at 550+ GH/s. Priced competitively at $4995, the KnC models use a 28nm architecture for blazing fast hashing. At $2995, the next model down is the Saturn which clocks out at 275GH. s +. Both are slated for November 13 delivery. Visit the siteCointerraThis is a pre-order product for delivery in January 2014.

The two models offered by Cointerra are the TerraMiner II @ 1TH/s priced moderately at $3499 and the TerraMiner IV @ 2TH/s reasonably priced at $5999. With a good pedigree, Cointerra has a shot but we will have to see if deliverability is an issue for these guys like it has been for every ASIC vendor before them. More information as it is available. HashFastThe HashFast BabyJet (400GH/s) and the Sierra (1. 2TH/s) are in the works for HashFast. The 400GH/s BabyJet starts out around $2,250 and the Sierra starts out around $6300 for December delivery. Projected November 30th delivery is available for an upcharge in the unit. BitFuryAnother 400GH/s machine is the BitFury schedduled to begin delivery in October 2013. With a price tag of $8,000 for the 400 gig machine and $1,300 for 25GH/s, the BitFury is one on the higher priced units on the market, but they have successfully delivered units.

Performance opinions are still limited on this product. Butterfly LabsAnswering back with the 600GH/s Monarch is Butterfly Labs. One of the first in the bitcoin market, BFL has been plagued with early adopter syndrome. This piece of equipment is no differenet with one very important exception, it is very fast for a machine that costs $4680. According to the website, November/December are sold out and the company is now working on January.