1 Blog author for 2 Crypto Currency integration related articles per week. | Freelance jobs for professional. Join now and start earning the Bitcoin
1 Blog author for 2 Crypto Currency integration related articles per week. Hey everyone! We have alot going on at YOCRYPTO. ca! Working to build our libraries as we expand, and for this we need a blog author we can rely on with-Outstanding grammar-Marketing experience-A creative mindYou will be contributing to the “Crypto & YO Business” section of our blog (http://www. yocrypto. ca/crypto–your-business). The topics of articles will range from whatever you deem attractive to a potential crypto entrepreneur, business accepting crypto currencies with 0 sales and those looking to implement crypto currencies in to their organizational structure. Our goal is to make the crypto integration as effective as possible for those willing to try. Article’s that would be perfect for this role would be – feasible promotional ideas (http://www. yocrypto. ca/crypto–your-business/crypto-promo-paper-wallet), crypto ( the top 3… for …, the best merchant system for…., why your business needs…., 5 ways for the cryptoprenuer to…” Topics like this that emphasize the benefits of crypto adoption for commercial transactions. The price per article is negotiable depending upon length, but I am aiming for between 10-20 per article. Would like to find someone who plans to stick around for the long term and experience future opportunities with us. Please include a link to a sample of writing in the comments, or if you are confident you are the #1 for this role, please email me at jordan@yocrypto. ca immediately.