Brain Care 101 | Stress Management Solutions
Brain Care 101 | Stress Management SolutionsLast week, the US Car Care CounВcil released a list of tips on how to take care of your car and save big money at the pump inВ 2008. вYou may not have paid much attenВtion to this announceВment. Yes, it’s imporВtant to save gas these days; but, it’s not big news that good mainВteВnance habits will improve the perВforВmance of a car, and extend itsВ life. If we can all agree on the imporВtance of mainВtainВing our cars that get us around town, what about mainВtainВing our brains sitВting behind theВ wheel? A spate of recent news covВerВage onВ brain fitВnessВ and brain trainВingв has missed an imporВtant conВstituency: younger peoВple. Recent advanceВments in brain sciВence have as tremenВdous impliВcaВtions for teenagers and adults of all ages as they do for seniors. In a recentВ conВverВsaВtion with neuВroВsciВenВtist Yaakov Stern of ColumВbia UniВverВsity, he related how surВprised he was when, years ago, a reporter from SevВenВteen magВaВzine requested an interВview. The reporter told Dr. Stern that he wanted to write an artiВcle to motiВvate kids to stay in school and not to drop out, in order to start buildВing their CogВniВtive Reserve early and age more gracefully. What is the CogВniВtive Reserve? EmergВing research since the 90s from the past decade shows that indiВvidВuВals who lead menВtally stimВuВlatВing lives, through their eduВcaВtion, their jobs, and also their hobВbies, build a CogВniВtive Reserveв in their brains. Only a few weeks ago another study reinВforced the value ofВ intelВlecВtuВaly demandВingВ jobs. StimВuВlatВing the brain can litВerВally genВerВate new neuВrons and strengthen their conВnecВtions which results in betВter brain perВforВmance and in havВing a lower risk of develВopВing Alzheimer’s sympВtoms. StudВies sugВgest that peoВple who exerВcise their menВtal musВcles throughВout their lives have a 3540% less risk of manВiВfestВing Alzheimer’s. As astoundВing as these insights may be, most AmerВiВcans still devote more time to changВing the oil, takВing a car to a mechanic, or washВing it, than thinkВing about how to mainВtain, if not improve, their brain performance. FurВther, betВter brain scanВning techВniques like fMRI (glosВsary) are allowВing sciВenВtists to invesВtiВgate healthy live brains for the first time in hisВtory. Two of the most imporВtant findВings from this research are that our brains are plasВtic (meanВing they not only creВate new neuВrons but also can change their strucВture) throughВout a lifeВtime and that frontal lobes are the most plasВtic area. Frontal lobes, the part of our brains right behind the foreВhead, conВtrols execВuВtive funcВtionsв which deterВmine our abilВity to pay attenВtion, plan for the future and direct behavВior toward achievВing goals. They are critВiВcal for adaptВing to new sitВuВaВtions. We exerВcise them best by learnВing and masВterВing new skills. This part of the brain is delВiВcate: our frontal lobes wait until our mid to late 20s to fully mature. They are also the first part of our brain to start to decline, usuВally by midВdleВ age. In my view, not enough young and middle-aged peoВple are benВeВfitВing from this emergВing research, since it has been perВceived as someВthing for seniors. в Granted, there are still many unknowns in the world of brain fitВness and cogВniВtive trainВing, we need more research, betВter assessВments and tools. But, this does not mean we canВnot start carВing for our brains today. Recent studВies have shown a tremenВdous variВabilВity in how well peoВple age and how, to a large extent, our actions influВence our rate of brain improveВment and/or decline. The earВlier we begin the betВter. And it is never tooВ late. What can we do to mainВtain our brain, espeВcially the frontal lobes? Focus on four pilВlars of brain health:В physВiВcal exerВcise, aВ balВanced diet,В stress manВageВment, andВ brain exerВcise. Stress manВageВment is imporВtant since stress has been shown to actuВally kill neuВrons and reduce the rate of creВation of new ones. Brain exerВcises range from low-tech (i. e. В medВiВtaВtion, masВterВing new comВplex skills,В lifeВlong learnВing and engageВment) to high-tech (i. e. using the growВing numВber ofВ brain fitВness softВware proВgrams). I know, this is startВing to sound like those lists we all know are good for us but we actuВally don’t do. Let me make it easВier by proposВing a new New Year ResВoВluВtion for 2008: every time you wash your car or have it washed in 2008, ask yourВself,В What have I done lately to mainВtain myВ brain? вneuroplasticityNeuroplasticity is a non-specific neuroscience term referring to the ability of the brain and nervous system in all species to change structurally and functionally