Bitcoin - The future of money

Bitcoin – The future of money

New paradigms for the checkout, banking & currency. When it comes to money, there’s a lot of change going on. Money is one of society’s most embedded, ancient institutions; it doesn’t change quickly.

Technology, on the other hand, changes at a rapid pace, and it has a habit of bringing about change at an unforeseen pace in all areas of life and society. The changes being wrought will become mainstream at a much slower pace than, say, the latest smartphone technology – but it will be fast by the standards of the almighty dollar and plodding banks that are hundreds of years old. There are many players. Square has been hard at work revolutionizing the payment process. Instead of fumbling about with cumbersome cash or swiping your year-old bank card every which way until it finally works, you simply have to be present at the counter to pay the new way. There are others in this space, but none have an approach where technology goes so unseen that it is futuristic.