Oh shit, I am predicting the FUTURE! | BitcoinSachs

Oh shit, I am predicting the FUTURE! | BitcoinSachs

Oh shit, I am predicting the FUTURE! | BitcoinSachs
Oh shit, I am predicting the FUTURE! So the most dangerous thing I could think to do tonight was predict the future. It’s basically like playing with fire because no matter what you write, you’re going to be a turd and have a fan club dedicated to tell you what a dumbass you are. Luckily for me, I enjoy that sort of thing so here goes…People born in the 1980s will live to be on average 150 years old. Kids born today will live to be 200 years old on average. What? ! That’s crazy! It’s not. If you look at the last 100 years, everyone is crushing their life expectancy already by wide margins. I am only predicting that trend not only continues but extends thanks to smarter cities, better access to medicine and health services, and with nanotech. Nanotechnology is going to blow everyone’s minds like the horseless buggy and the personal computer did. Nanotechnology is pretty much the most mind melting thing I’ve come across in my life and I spend my time talking cryptocurrency, 3D printing and Drones (the last two not so much on this platform admittedly. ) I was reading the other day where nanotech will basically end brushing of teeth. You will be able to have your teeth so smooth that nothing can stick to it to cause tartar and decay. I believe they were working on it at a university and they had some close-up images and it’s insane. I was reading about being able to replace red blood cells, control body weight, locate and repair corrupted, mutated or cancerous cells on the fly without really any ‘treatment’ its just programmed to do this. If these things hold true, we will be fit, healthy, cancer and AIDS will be defeated.. It’s going to be crazy! Sooo many applications. NASA is using nanotech to make black blacker by creating layers that are microscopic but trap light which gives them clearer images. It’s bananas and we are just starting to play with this. Think of nanotech today as the PC was in the 1960s. Graphene will be the buzzword 2025-2035 replacing silicon. I haven’t read extensively about this, but from what I understand it’s pretty much the bee’s knees. There are a lot of skeptics on this as silicon is quite the monster to slay, but every dog dies. Drones are something we all better get used to. Pizza delivery, medicine delivery, etc. will all take place via drone. Won’t be until 2018 before that’s a reality, but get used to it. But seriously though, Amazon isn’t the driving force and they were not first so shut that stupid shit up. Drones will be everywhere. There will be fortunes made in designing, building, and operational software. 3D printers will be common place in the next few years. Kids today should be learning CAD because it will make their life a lot easier. For the rest of us, remember when Dad tried to learn how to type? That’s going to be us. Awesome. “Hey son, get in here and show me how to make a copy of this…” will be a common phrase in the next decade. Schools are going to have to make massive changes in the future. Teaching to the test is a failing strategy. No Kid Left Behind is a monumental blunder of biblical proportions. It might take another decade before they figure it out, but you cannot measure what kids are learning on a standardized test that literally doesn’t matter to the kid and it takes weeks to do. You see, kids don’t give a shit about it. The sooner they finish they sooner they go play. It’s a massive circle jerk. I think there will be massive overhauls coming in education college on down. More of this online learning business, more alternative types of schools. Public school in America is a joke, and a sad one with a unfunny punchline. I think we’re going to see people become smaller over the next 50 years. I think we’ve maxed out on height. We no longer require bigger and stronger people. We have computers and machines, now exoskeletons to do all these tasks. The day of the ogre is gone, this time for good aside from the NFL. With the nanotech that will help regulate us and keep us trimmer, and the world population boom, people won’t need to be very big. I believe in 100 years the average male will be around 5 foot tall and about 100 lbs. The average female will be 4’8″ and 90 lbs. Yes, I realize you might think I am crazy and I am basing this on complete horseshit. That’s fine, I accept that, but I am pretty confident about it. Tall people and big people have no inherent advantage moving forward. They will be resource heavy and that’s that. There will finally be WWIII, and hopefully the USA doesn’t come out on top. We’ve managed to piss off pretty much everyone in the world. Our friends will turn on us as soon as we do not have the obvious advantages. We will have our military stripped like the Germans did. We’ve been assholes for way too long. That will eventually come back to bite us. I think that happens in my lifetime. I am not confident China or India ever rises very far from their currency position. They cannot seem to break free from shitting their pants. However, I do like the future of Brazil. Australia is going to be a major player along with Japan. North Korea’s reign ends with Kim Jung-Un aka Dear Chubby. Cubs don’t win a World Series for another 100 years. Cleveland sports go another 30 years before seeing a Title in pro sports. Weed and Same Sex marriage becomes common across all states in the next 10 years, and in 15 years a kid will say, “so wait, there were people who were opposed to this, why? What the fuck were they thinking? ”Cryptocurrency becomes accepted in some circle. A coin will reach a million dollar market cap in the next decade. I am playing, but seriously, a cryptocurrency will become a country’s national currency in the next decade. Bitcoin will NOT be the CURRENCY of the future. It’s too slow and too expensive. They are trailblazers and the gold standard but they are not the best currency. Bitcoin reaches $100k per coin by 2020. lol, I cannot wait to read the feedback from this! Maybe have snuck a troll prediction in there. See who takes the bait!