Interview with the Founders of Worldcoin -

Interview with the Founders of Worldcoin –

Interview with the Founders of Worldcoin –
Interview with the Founders of Worldcoin -How is Worldcoin different than Bitcoin and other crypto currencies? “Worldcoin uses an altered Litecoin protocol with the benefit of having a much faster confirmation time. We believe people should be able to use their money as intended, allowing it to move from one place to another in mere seconds as opposed to minutes or hours. Aside from the great real world usability this promotes it also permits people to invest as they like, with planned decisions due to minimal transfer times. Secondly, when discussing differences, we must look towards the vision of Worldcoin and the team behind it. The Worldcoin Foundation was created to insure Worldcoin became a globally recognized currency. Many altcoins pop up onto the scene as a ticker symbol and are perfectly fine existing as such. Worldcoin is not satisfied in simply being an investment tool. Worldcoin will be a usable tool of commerce and that is why the team is pushing for quick releases of services as opposed to heavy, unwarranted, publicity gimmicks. Our main goal is to release a merchant service like the world has never seen and promote it with marketing teams across the USA, and within due time, the world. Being that we are currently the only altcoin which has gone through all the governmental and financial hoops to do so, we are currently positioned to be a lasting force. ”Should my mom invest in Worldcoin? “Absolutely! My grandmother bought in last week and has made a substantial amount from her investment. Luckily for her Worldcoin is truly a safe investment at the moment. As opposed to a pump/dump we are seeing extremely steady and continuous growth. If your mom wants to essentially watch her money become more money, with little to no chance of losing, Worldcoin is the way to go. My grandma will attest to this and perhaps they can have tea together while counting their profits. ”How is Worldcoin organized? Who is the team behind Worldcoin? “Worldcoin is led by “The Worldcoin Foundation”. We are a support group of sorts whose purpose is to promote Worldcoin into becoming the crypto of the future. The team began with two developers and a general counsel as has expanded to a full time marketing/social media person as well as the addition of other developers who have helped with wallets, websites, mobile apps (just released yesterday) and services. While crypto-currency is meant to be completely open source we also believe it’s a great boon to have a functioning business mind behind the coin, allowing it to reach it’s full potential. The Worldcoin Foundation creates targeted momentum, directing the communities strengths and skills to necessary developments. Without the foundation the coin would be left to flourish on it’s own and lose a great deal of focus and intent. I have no doubt that it would still reach it’s potentials but it would be a much more prolonged experience. ”What is the goal of Worldcoin? “The goal of Worldcoin is true usability in every facet of commerce. We want people to have an investment tool, buying power, selling power, security, speed, and support. We want global business deals, as well as every day purchases, to be fostered by Worldcoin. We want barriers of entry to be smashed, allowing non-tech people, my grandmother, and your mom, to buy in to a flourishing, appreciating, asset at their own will. We even have plans to make Worldcoin an incredible and massive means of funding donations and relief efforts. The best part of all of this is many of the services to accomplish this goal are already produced, being tested, or are in the midst of being developed. These are not some far off dreams and ideas, these are actual realities to be released in months, not years. ”What is the growth of hash power dedicated to Worldcoin? “Our current hash level is 8 GH/s. We have very consistently placed in the top 10 of all coins and more then doubled our network power since December 4th. We expect to hit 10GH/s in early Q1 2014. ”Where can I go to keep up to date with Worldcoin? “To keep up with Worldcoin you can join us at www. worldcoinfoundation. orgI also highly recommend joining our quickly growing community at www. facebook. com/worldcoinfoundation. We pride ourselves on our community and believe that it is not only one of our greatest aspects, but also one of our greatest means to reaching our truest potential. Our community means everything to Worldcoin. ”