Off Topic but Important | BitcoinSachs

Off Topic but Important | BitcoinSachs

Off Topic but Important | BitcoinSachs
Off Topic but Important | BitcoinSachsOkay so I realize most Americans have their head planted firmly up their ass. I am an American, and for the most part I am probably in that same group with a tiny exception. From time to time, I pull head loose and look around for a second. What I discovered was actually appalling and disturbing. We as a nation through out these things like “North Korea pushes propaganda on it’s own citizens telling them X Y Z” like it’s a news story. The news story should read something like, “US Government pushes propaganda on it’s only citizens via TV shows and Film to convince them that terrorism is real, and we need to spend $1T a year to protect ourselves and justify the police state. ”What the hell am I talking about? 24, Homeland, Flight 93, MI-5, Sleeper Cell, Carlos, Burn Notice, The Blacklist, Intelligence, Lie To Me, Person of Interest, The Grid, Human Target, Covert Affairs, the Unit, Castle, CSI, etc. Never mind movies like The Hurt Locker, The Kingdom, and so forth. I was watching Intelligence tonight, and it was disturbing how television was doing everything it could to sell Americans that arabs are terrorist. Brown = Terrorist. Played every single stereotype. It’s really disappointing. I feel bad for a lot of the Middle Eastern people I know. These poor guys have done nothing at all to earn this. They come here to try and make a better life for themselves and their family. I have yet to meet a single person from that background that was anything but pleasant, engaging, and enjoyable to be around. The question is why do we do this? America spends more money than the entire world combined on DoD. Think about that for a second. Russia spends a fraction of what we do. A sliver. No one is in the neighborhood. Seriously, pause right here and Google this. It’s blow your mind. It’s insane. We spend $46B a year on Homeland Security. That’s my favorite. A group that was created after an alleged terror attack (9/11) I say alleged because there is enough evidence to question the legitimacy of it. This group has spent $500B in it’s history. It’s stopped exactly 0 terror attacks. Currently, not trying, I have stopped as many terror attacks. Every day, hundreds of their worker bees go to work, do nothing of use, spy of citizens and go home. Nothing of consequence. On their watch, they did allow the Shoe Bomber to board an airplane, and the underwear bomber. Private citizens on the airplanes stopped those attacks. So actually, they are 0 for 2. No, we had the Boston Bombing too. So, they are 0 for 3 with 3 deaths and 264 injured? Outstanding! They created NSA to spend more time with our families. That’s cool. A lot of people take steps to keep more private from NSA. Not me. I pull stuff up for them. I figure if they are going to creep my shit, I’ll at least have some fun with them. I keep a browser window open with midget porn in it at all times. I theorize if I ever blip their radar, some guy will whisper to another guy, “he’s got a serious thing for midget porn, every day for years he has had it on his browser. ” I think it’s foolish to think you’re going to lock them out. Hell, the biggest companies with the most expensive security systems couldn’t do it. Ambitious to think we’re going to with any real success. Not excusing the NSA, but just acknowledging when you’re beat. When Obama said there would be change, I was inclined to believe. He was right. There was change. We now live in a police state. Very cool. I don’t think that was the change we were looking for though. I had a great convo a while back about NSA and PRISM. They’ve created such a large dragnet it’s basically trying to find a single needle in a ridiculously large haystack. They’ve gone so far overboard they cannot seem to find what they are looking for. We have all these police officers now. You’d think crime was up. Crime, particularly violent crime is vastly down in 30 years yet we have exponentially more police officers now than ever. What do most police officers spend their time doing? Writing tickets. Not to make you or me safer, but to collect money from us for the state or city. Police officers have become nothing more than a city’s ATM. They go out of their way to sit in clever spots, unmarked cars, anything they can to write a ticket particularly if they can get it in a construction or school zone and it seems it’s always after hours when no one is in school OR doing construction. Are they trying to make things safer OR are they trying to make more money? Where I live at, the police budget is 60% of the entire budget. We have not had a violent crime in our city in 3 years yet we have more cops than the bigger city next to us. I am just saying, they brain wash people into believing we’re constantly under attack. We build this massive military, show you TV shows and movies all day about us being under attack and then at the local level they use that as an excuse to milk money out of you at any turn. It’s crazy. Here is a crazy idea. We do this thing called diplomacy. Instead of attacking countries. We go and talk. We say, “hey so you’re pretty pissed. What’s up? ” and they say “can you stop invading every country, sending JSOC into places they are legally not allowed to be and have them stop killing citizens without cause, warrant, or declaration of war? ” and we respond, “hey that sounds reasonable, we’ll stop being psychopathic war mongers set on killing everything we can. ” We withdraw some troops from places we have no business, they go back to doing what ever they do, and we’re fine. Over simplification? Perhaps. I’d contend it’s got to be more useful as just sending in Tomahawks with the message “want to be friends? ” scrawled down the side. What the hell do I know, right? Just something to think about.