Archives : Bitcoin Alternatives

Archives : Bitcoin Alternatives

Archives : Bitcoin Alternatives
Archives : Bitcoin AlternativesI created my own Litecoin based coin. Now, I have. exe running on 2 PCs. I got both computers’ ip addresses from whatismyipaddress. com.
Currently, both clients on each PCs have “0 connections to network”, meaning they are not connected with each other.

My first PC’s %appdata%\coin\coin. conf looks like this

rpcconnect=xx. xx. xx. xx (second pc’s IP)
My second PC’s %appdata%\coin\coin. conf looks like this

rpcconnect=xx. xx. xx. xx (first PC’s IP)
What I am trying to do, is to mine my own coin by connecting both PCs through the p2p network. Now, I run the coin on both PCs. But they never connect to each other, like they should?

my debug. log file

2014-02-28 07:37:38 Running DogecoinMiner with 1 transactions in block (186 bytes)
2014-02-28 07:37:40 Flushing wallet. dat
2014-02-28 07:37:40 Flushed wallet. dat 116ms
2014-02-28 07:38:31 Flushed 0 addresses to peers. dat 28ms
2014-02-28 07:39:38 trying connection 65. 49. 14. 80:22556 lastseen=359325. 9hrs
2014-02-28 07:39:38 connected 65. 49. 14. 80:22556
2014-02-28 07:39:38 send version message: version 70001, blocks=0, us=139. 190. 178. 245:22556, them=65. 49. 14. 80:22556, peer=65. 49. 14. 80:22556
2014-02-28 07:39:38 sending: version (103 bytes)
2014-02-28 07:39:39 socket closed
2014-02-28 07:39:39 disconnecting node 65. 49. 14. 80:22556
2014-02-28 07:41:39 trying connection 65. 49. 14. 80:22556 lastseen=359325. 9hrs
2014-02-28 07:41:39 connected 65. 49. 14. 80:22556
2014-02-28 07:41:39 send version message: version 70001, blocks=0, us=139. 190. 178. 245:22556, them=65. 49. 14. 80:22556, peer=65. 49. 14. 80:22556
2014-02-28 07:41:39 sending: version (103 bytes)
2014-02-28 07:41:39 CreateNewBlock(): total size 1000
2014-02-28 07:41:39 Running DogecoinMiner with 1 transactions in block (186 bytes)
2014-02-28 07:41:40 hashmeter 0 khash/s
2014-02-28 07:41:40 socket closed
2014-02-28 07:41:40 disconnecting node 65. 49. 14. 80:22556
2014-02-28 07:43:40 trying connection 65. 49. 14. 80:22556 lastseen=359326. 0hrs
2014-02-28 07:43:40 connected 65. 49. 14. 80:22556
2014-02-28 07:43:40 send version message: version 70001, blocks=0, us=139. 190. 178. 245:22556, them=65. 49. 14. 80:22556, peer=65. 49. 14. 80:22556
2014-02-28 07:43:40 sending: version (103 bytes)
2014-02-28 07:43:40 CreateNewBlock(): total size 1000
2014-02-28 07:43:40 Running DogecoinMiner with 1 transactions in block (186 bytes)
2014-02-28 07:43:41 socket closed
2014-02-28 07:43:41 disconnecting node 65. 49. 14. 80:22556
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