

MSP Movement

The MSP Movement to Coinsortium will be starting in the next 24 hours. In preparation for this we wanted to give any current shareholders one final opportunity to sell or buy any shares they wish. As of 11 AM Pacific Standard Time a trade-stop will be issued on MSP.   This means no shares will be able to be bought nor sold during this time or any-time in the future on Cryptostocks.   From this point forward MSP will only be listed on Coinsortium. If you wish to make a trade of some kind – you have between now and 11 AM Pacific Time to complete said trade if you wish to do it using the Cryptosotcks platform. We did not take this change lightly – we sent several emails that went unanswered to Cryptostocks and many of our customers had the exact same experience.     Due to this horrible customer service and support – we have no choice but to change platforms. If you already have a Coinsortium account and the email address is the same as the email address you use here at Cryptostocks – you do not need to do anything.    Your MSP shares will be automatically imported into your Coinsortium account. If you do NOT have a Coinsortium account – then one will be created for you using the email addresss you have registered here with Cryptostocks. Lastly – if you are listed as anonymous – you will need to email us at [email protected] and we will have to facilitate a manual move of your shares over to Coinsortium. Regardless of if you have a Coinsortium account or not – once migration to Coinsortium is completed you will receive an email from Coinsortium with further instructions. Why The Hold Up? We originally planned on moving on the 3rd of January, but we came across a small issue where duplicate email addresses were listed in our shareholder list here on Cryptostocks.   This SHOULD be impossible.  We needed to confirm that these individuals would not receive duplicate shares on Coinsortium.     We are now confident that we have this issue under control so we are now moving ahead. Moving Forward to CoinsortiumFor those with existing Coinsortium accounts – you do not need to do anything – your shares will be automatically moved over to your Coinsortium account. If you do not yet have a Coinsortium account – one will automatically be created for you and you will receive an email with instructions. This process will be taking place over the next 24 hours – once it is completed we will do the following:#1 – Issuing a trade stop here on Cryptostocks for MSP#2 -Once we are certain that at last 95% of shares have been moved over without issue – we will issue a share buy-back at 0. 00000001 btc per share here on Cryptostocks – please note this has no effect on the price of your shares on Coinsortium.  This is simply to remove the shares from trade here on Cryptostocks. #3 – We will post a notice that shares of MSP are no longer traded here on Cryptostocks – with a link to Coinsortium#4 – We will send an email to Cryptostocks asking them to remove the MSP listing all together. #5 – We will be posting a message on the MSP listing page notifying individuals that MSP is no longer availble for trade here at Cryptostocks and provide a link to the Coinsortium listing. We have established a special email address specifically for this move.    If you have any concerns or experience any problems feel free to contact us. Once the process has begun and we are moving accounts over – we will post an update here on the announcements page. As Coinsortium is a market trading exchange much like Cryptostocks – we will not be setting a starting price per share – this will be left to the shareholders as we are strong believers in the open market economy. If for some reason you decide you do not want to be part of this transition to Coinsortium – please email us and we will do our best to come up with a compromise – however we cannot make any promises.     Please be aware this move was voted on and approved by shareholders.     We have delayed it several times due to various issues – but we are moving forward as the time has come. We think you will be much happier with the Coinsortium platform – the support is OUTSTANDING and while there are some features that Cryptostocks has that might be missing from Coinsortium – they don’t do much good when no one answer support emails. We look forward to a successful transition and have spent considerable time reviewing all shareholder information in preparation for this move and have very strong confidence that the move itself will be a great success. Again if you have any issues at all with the move – please feel free to contact us at [email protected] or [email protected]We hope to have the move 100% completed by late afternoon on the evening (West Coat) of January 5th.   If there are any delays we will post them here.