The Merger that Almost Was | BitcoinSachs

The Merger that Almost Was | BitcoinSachs

The Merger that Almost Was | BitcoinSachs
The Merger that Almost WasThe WDC debacle took place. I won’t get into that in this post. Their leaders were dropping like flies. They were in a state of disarray, and as things were falling apart, I get a message. The message was asking if I’d meet with the top ranking members. A call took place, (yes, I did a phone call) and it was pitched to me that Worldcoin would merge with Zetacoin. It was actually cool because I had pitched the concept a week or two prior and wondered aloud how that might look. The conversation lasted about an hour. There was a lot of excitement that started to mask the panic of the day. Their reasons for it are not clearly known. Communities are similar. Similar philosophy. I think they knew they’d have a tremendously difficult time creating separation from the scandal. My reputation being what it is, and strong leadership on top of making history as the first crypto-merger would neatly distract from the scandal and the price would climb back to $. 40+ on the news which would have surely seen a blip on various magazines or publications. We broke off the conversation to think it over and figure out what the next move would be. I don’t think it would have been a bad idea as it would have shown a complete change in direction, they could have latched onto Zetacoins projects, and with their larger community holding tight, it would have been a solid win for both. Our guys were hesitant but open to it. I put off the 2nd convo and delayed the entire thing as I started hearing rumors of a civil war taking hold within WDC. During our time apart, WDC broke into a full scale civil war. It ended in a complete overhaul in management and direction which was unfortunate as the guys I had spoken with understood the depth of the problem, and decided to use that as an opportunity to make history and strengthen the coin in one move. Was a brilliant idea on his part. The new guys think that no one will care about the scandal. That no one will connect the alleged illegal activities to the people who funded the alleged activities. They are under the opinion that people won’t attach an alleged illegal exchange to the coin despite the alleged illegal exchange they funded only servicing their own coin. That might be a bit myopic and overly optimistic. As many might note, I had started to bash WDC when the news broke, and then held off while I spoke with them and learned more details. Truth is, their situation is so bad now, I’d go so far as to call it toxic. I wouldn’t be surprised to see $0. 07 or lower. I know many of their people are hanging on thinking it will rebound as people will forget. The lawyers I spoke to who specialize in investment banking and are crypto enthusiasts told me the way they raised money – we were talking about a similar approach – was very dangerous and most likely illegal. Something in non-accredited investors and SEC regulations. So, potentially the WDC Foundation, the leadership group raised money illegally to fund their own allegedly illegal exchange and everyone is supposed to think it’s totally cool because they were ousted after caught. So if they weren’t caught, they’d still be running WDC Foundation? Not a single person did their due diligence. The more I found out, the more obvious it was it would never come to fruition. After the rumors started to fly as someone within WDC inner circle leaked the phone call information, 4 other coins became active. I was getting offers left and right. For a minute, it looked like a super merger would take place. I still think it can happen, I know what it would take for it to happen. It will require just the right situation to happen. The merger that almost was…could have been a history maker. I still get a smile thinking about how close we came to pulling off a massive multi-coin merger. How the entire landscape nearly changed in crypto. Naturally, I am sitting on all the evidence, emails, and records to prove this entire story not to mention the dozen people involved. This almost took place while you guys were sleeping about 4 days ago. I don’t see any harm at this point in writing what happened. I will continue treating WDC like a pinata until further notice. If I built a usd/zet exchange funded with zet money by zet people for zetacoin, wouldn’t you hold the community and the coin responsible if I ran a scam? You know you would. I have said since Quark was being prostituted by Keiser and Still, if I see something inherently bad for crypto, I will rail hard against it. Scams have no place in crypto, and WDC just pulled one scam and is now trying to scam their way out of the blame. I want WDC to accept full responsibility. I want them to acknowledge they completely dropped the ball, they allowed it to happen due to negligence and lack of due diligence. I don’t think you shrug and say, “well, the fall guys are gone so here is a free pass” but that’s my opinion. Zetacoin remains it’s own strong little nation. I have been approached by at least a dozen coins to jump ship, and have been offered a lot of money to do it, hundreds of thousands of dollars to do it. Zetacoin is my home. These are my family. Until that changes, I am not going anywhere, and Zetacoin will continue to climb. We do the right things for the right reason the right way. I don’t know if a blog article about this is the ‘right way’ but I am tired of reading or being asked about false rumors and people should know the truth. Better or worse, we nearly made history out of a bad situation.